Wheel of Dhamma

Bodhi Leaf

Dhamma Nandanavana, San Antonio del Tequendama, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Centre Location: Website | Map
** Unless noted otherwise, course instructions are given in the following language(s): English / Spanish

Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. It was taught in India more than 2500 years ago. The technique is taught at ten-day residential courses during which participants learn the basics of the method, and practice sufficiently to experience its beneficial results. There are courses all over the world.
Dhamma Nandanavana (Cundinamarca) Dhamma Gutti (Medellin) / San Antonio de Pereira (Rionegro) / Cali / Pereira

10-day course and Satipatthana Sutta course students (not servers): only ONE APPLICATION will be processed regardless of the location in Latin America, course dates or waiting list status.

10-day course students (not servers): priority is given to new students, to old students who have not sat recently and to those who reside in this country.

Registration opening time: early morning on the day registration starts (approx. 5 a.m. local time).

Teenagers' and Children's Courses
Courses for young people.
See Comments for any special instructions for events in this section.
No courses are currently scheduled.
Ten Day & Other Adult Courses
All ten day courses begin on the evening of the first day and end on the early morning of the last day.
See Comments for any special instructions for events in this section.
2025 Ten Day & Other Adult Courses
Attend / Serve Dates Course Type Status Location Comments
12 Mar - 23 Mar 10-Day In Progress Tequendama, Cundinamarca
23 Mar Trust Meeting Open Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
"Si eres estudiante antiguo y quieres participar en esta reunión, escríbenos a info@nandanavana.dhamma.org indicando tu nombre completo, cédula de ciudadanía, tu último curso e indica si formas parte de un comité."
Apply 23 Mar - 09 Apr Work Period Open Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
Apply 09 Apr - 20 Apr 10-Day Women - Closed Men - Closed Female Server - Wait List Male Server - Open Tequendama, Cundinamarca
20 Apr Trust Meeting Open Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
"Si eres estudiante antiguo y quieres participar en esta reunión, escríbenos a info@nandanavana.dhamma.org indicando tu nombre completo, cédula de ciudadanía, tu último curso e indica si formas parte de un comité."
Apply 20 Apr - 01 May Work Period Open Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
Apply 01 May - 04 May 3-Day Open Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
Apply 04 May - 14 May Work Period Open Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
14 May - 25 May 10-Day Applications accepted starting 15 Mar Tequendama, Cundinamarca
25 May Trust Meeting Applications accepted starting 25 Mar Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
"Si eres estudiante antiguo y quieres participar en esta reunión, escríbenos a info@nandanavana.dhamma.org indicando tu nombre completo, cédula de ciudadanía, tu último curso e indica si formas parte de un comité."
25 May - 04 Jun Work Period Applications accepted starting 26 Mar Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
04 Jun - 15 Jun 10-Day Applications accepted starting 05 Apr Tequendama, Cundinamarca
15 Jun Trust Meeting Applications accepted starting 15 Apr Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
"Si eres estudiante antiguo y quieres participar en esta reunión, escríbenos a info@nandanavana.dhamma.org indicando tu nombre completo, cédula de ciudadanía, tu último curso e indica si formas parte de un comité."
15 Jun - 27 Jun Work Period Applications accepted starting 16 Apr Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
27 Jun - 01 Jul 3-Day Applications accepted starting 28 Apr Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
01 Jul - 16 Jul Work Period Applications accepted starting 02 May Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
16 Jul - 27 Jul 10-Day Applications accepted starting 17 May Tequendama, Cundinamarca
27 Jul Trust Meeting Applications accepted starting 27 May Tequendama, Cundinamarca For old students
"Si eres estudiante antiguo y quieres participar en esta reunión, escríbenos a info@nandanavana.dhamma.org indicando tu nombre completo, cédula de ciudadanía, tu último curso e indica si formas parte de un comité."

To access the Old Student Regional Site please click http://www.nandanavana.dhamma.org/os. A user name and password will be required to access these pages.

Questions may be addressed to Email: info@nandanavana.dhamma.org

All courses are run solely on a donation basis. All expenses are met by donations from those who, having completed a course and experienced the benefits of Vipassana, wish to give others the same opportunity. Neither the Teacher nor the assistant teachers receive remuneration; they and those who serve the courses volunteer their time. Thus Vipassana is offered free from commercialisation.

Old students are those who have completed a 10-day Vipassana Meditation course with S.N. Goenka or his Assistant Teachers. Old students have the opportunity to provide Dhamma Service at the courses listed.

Bilingual courses are courses which are taught in two languages. All students will hear daily meditation instructions in both languages. The evening discourses will be heard separately.

Meditation courses are held at both center and non-center locations. Meditation centers are dedicated facilities where courses are held regularly throughout the year. Before meditation centers were established in this tradition, all courses were held at temporary sites, such as campgrounds, religious retreat centers, churches and the like. Today, in regions where centers have not yet been established by local students of Vipassana who live in the area, 10 Day meditation courses are held at non-center course sites.

10-day Courses are an introductory course to Vipassana Meditation where the technique is taught step-by-step each day. The courses begin after a 2 - 4 pm registration period and orientation, followed by 10 full days of meditation, and end the morning of the 11th day by 7:30 am.

Old Student Course Qualification Requirements

Old Student Short Courses (1-3 days) are for any student who has completed the 10-day course with S.N. Goenka and his assistant teachers. All old students are welcome to apply to attend these courses, including those where it has been some time since their last course.

Old Student Course Qualification Requirements

Old Student Programs are similar to Service Periods where there is time to work on a variety of Centre maintenance, construction, household and gardening projects, but have a more full and structured program, an opportunity to meet with assistant teachers, and possibly committee and trust meetings. All Old Students are welcome to participate. The daily program will include three group sittings with morning and afternoon work periods and in the evening there will be tapes played of special discourses and talks that S.N. Goenka has given to Old Students.

Work Periods have been set aside to work on a variety of Centre maintenance, construction, household and gardening projects. All Old Students are welcome to apply. The daily program will include three group sittings with morning and afternoon work periods. On selected evenings, there will be tapes played of special discourses and talks that S.N. Goenka has given to Old Students.