както се преподава от С. Н. Гоенка

в традицията на Саяджи У Ба Кин
Двуезични курсове са курсове, при които се преподава на два езика. Всички ученици ще слушат указанията за ежедневната медитация и на двата езика. Вечерните беседи ще се слушат поотделно.
Стари ученици са тези, които са завършили 10-дневен курс по Випассана Медитация със С. Н. Гоенка или негови помощник-учители.
Старите ученици имат възможност да извършват Дамма Служене на курсовете, посочени по-горе.
Всички курсове се провеждат единствено на базата на дарения. Всички разходи се поемат чрез даренията на хора, които вече са завършили поне един десетдневен курс, почувствали са ползите от Випассана и желаят от своя страна да дадат и на другите същата възможност. Нито Учителят, нито помощник-учителите получават възнаграждение; те, а също и служещите по време на курса, даряват доброволно своето време. По този начин Випассана се предлага без търговска цел.
Курсове по медитация се провеждат както в специални медитационни центрове, така и на наети места. Центровете по медитация предлагат благоприятни условия и там редовно се провеждат курсове през цялата година. Преди създаването на първите центрове за медитация в тази традиция, всички курсове се провеждаха на временни обекти, като къмпинги, религиозни центрове, църкви и др. Днес, в регионите, където все още не са установени центрове от местните Випассана ученици, десетдневни курсове за медитация се провеждат на наети места.
Вид на курса
Кратки курсове (1-3 дни) за стари ученици – предназначени са за всеки ученик, който е завършил поне един десетдневен курс със С. Н. Гоенка или негови помощник-учители. Всички стари ученици са добре дошли да кандидатстват за такива курсове, дори ако е минало известно време от последния им курс.
Десетдневният курс представлява въвеждащ курс по Випассана Медитация, при който всеки ден техниката се преподава стъпка по стъпка. Курсовете започват след регистрацията на участниците от 14 до 16 часа и запознаване с обстановката. Следват пълни десет дни на медитация. Курсът приключва на сутринта на единадесетия ден, около 7:30 часа.
10-day Executive Courses are an introductory course to Vipassana Meditation especially for business executives and government officials where the technique is taught step-by-step each day. For more information please visit the Executive course website. The courses begin after a 2-4 pm registration period and orientation, followed by 10 full days of meditation, and end the morning of the 11th day by 7:30am.
10-day Courses for Old Students have the same timetable and discipline as 10-day courses. These courses are open to serious old students who have completed at least three 10-day courses and one Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta course, have not been practising any other meditation techniques since last 10-day course, have been practising this technique of Vipassana for at least one year, are trying to maintain the five precepts in their daily lives, and trying to maintain daily practice.
Special 10-day Courses are open only to serious Old Students committed to this technique who have completed a minimum of five 10-day courses, one Satipatthana Sutta course, given Dhamma Service at least one 10-day course, and have been practicing regularly for at least two years.
The 14-Day Gratitude Course was previously called the Teacher's Self Course. One of the qualities we develop as we meditate is gratitude - gratitude towards one’s teachers, Goenkaji and Mataji, and towards the long tradition of Vipassana teachers, right back to the Buddha.
The course is open to old students who are active in giving service. Requirements include 3 x 10day courses plus one Satipaṭṭhāna course, being active in Dhamma service, trying to maintain two-hour daily practice since last 10-Day course, and trying to maintain the five precepts to the best of one's ability. Local teacher’s recommendation is required. The course follows the usual format of 3x group sittings with instructions in the day, but students work more independently and the teaching materials are drawn from the 20-day course. This is a half-way step to help students mature for long courses, and serves to inspire students to work more deeply in Dhamma.
20-day Courses are open only to serious Old Students committed to this technique who have completed a minimum of five 10-day courses , one Satipatthana Sutta course, given Dhamma Service at least one 10-day course, and have been practicing regularly for at least two years.
30-day Courses are open only to serious Old Students committed to this technique who have completed a minimum of six 10-day courses (one since their first 20-day course), one 20-day course, one Satipatthana Sutta course, and have been practicing regularly for at least two years.
45-day Courses are open only to persons involved in Dhamma Service and Assistant Teachers who have completed a minimum of seven 10-day courses (one since their first 30-day course), two 30-day courses, one Satipatthana Sutta course, and have been practicing regularly for at least three years.
60-day Courses are reserved for: 1. Active ATs who have sat at least two 45-day courses and conduct at least four 10-day courses annually. 2. Those who are enrolled in or about to enter AT Training, have sat two 45-day courses, have served at least four 10-day courses in the past 12 months and/or are deeply involved in daily Dhamma service. 3. In some areas, non-ATs may be accepted as rare exceptions if they have completed at least two 45-day courses, served at least four 10-day courses annually and/or are deeply involved in daily Dhamma service.
Детските курсовеса отворени за всички деца на възраст между 8 и 12 години, които имат желание да се научат да медитират. Не е задължително техните родители/настойници да са медитатори.
Old Student Programs are similar to Service Periods where there is time to work on a variety of Centre maintenance, construction, household and gardening projects, but have a more full and structured program, an opportunity to meet with assistant teachers, and possibly committee and trust meetings. All Old Students are welcome to participate. The daily program will include three group sittings with morning and afternoon work periods and in the evening there will be tapes played of special discourses and talks that S.N. Goenka has given to Old Students.
Open Houses are held between meditation courses. All are welcome to attend and learn about Vipassana Meditation and the Center.
Satipatthana Sutta Courses have the same timetable and discipline as 10-day courses. The difference is that in the taped evening discourses the Satipatthana Sutta is carefully examined. This is the principal text in which the technique of Vipassana is systematically explained. These courses are open to serious old students who have sat (not including courses served) at least three 10-day courses, have not been practising any other meditation techniques since last 10-day course, have been practising this technique of Vipassana for at least one year, and who are trying to maintain their meditation practice and the five precepts in their daily lives, at the very minimum from the time of applying to the course.
Old Student Self Courses have the same timetable and discipline as a 10-day course. The difference is that there is no teacher in attendance. These courses are open to serious old students who have completed at least three 10-day courses, have not been practicing any other meditation techniques since their last 10-day course, have been practicing this technique of Vipassana for at least one year, and who are trying to maintain the five Precepts in their daily lives.
Service Periods have been set aside to work on a variety of Centre maintenance, construction, household and gardening projects. All Old Students are welcome to apply. The daily program will include three group sittings with morning and afternoon work periods. On selected evenings, there will be tapes played of special discourses and talks that S.N. Goenka has given to Old Students.
Анапана Курсовете за Младежи са предназначени за младежи на възраст между 13 и 18 години. Не е задължително техните родители/настойници да са медитатори.